
How to use Hydra config files

Since GDL use the Hydra library, here’s how GDL configuration work. Through a main yaml file gdl_config_template.yaml located in the config folder which handles additional yaml files located in other subfolders. We recommend starting with the gdl_config_template.yaml as the configuration entrypoint. To run your code with the proper parameters, see the Running GDL section for an example with a semantic segmentation task. There are other examples at the end of this document in the Examples section.

The config folder is structured as depicted below. It is important to remember that the gdl_config_template.yaml file contains every parameter necessary for executing the command. Other yaml files in subfolders handle specific categories of parameters.

├── gdl_config_template.yaml
├── model
├── gdl_unet.yaml
└── smp_deeplabv3.yaml
└── task
└── segmentation.yaml

The code is currently executed with gdl_config_template.yaml as a default configuration, the Examples section have an example on how to run the script with an other config yaml.

Each configuration file need to follow the structure show bellow, and each of those sections have their functionality that will be explain.

print_config: ...
mode:  ...
debug: ...

Defaults Parameters

The defaults section is where all default yaml files are loaded as input values for each category of parameters, you don’t have to specify all of them. For example, model: gdl_unet means the config folder contains a subfolder called model which have a gdl_unet.yaml file. So for every time that GDL code call the parameter model, it will have all the variables set in the gdl_unet.yaml. If you want to run GDL with another model like smp_deeplabv3, you only have to change model: gdl_unet to model: smp_deeplabv3. Just be sure that you have smp_deeplabv3.yaml in your model folder (the Examples section have an example on how to change this parameter in the command line). Options for each category of parameters are found in config subfolder by the same name.

    - model: gdl_unet
    - verify: default_verify
    - tiling: default_tiling
    - training: default_training
    - loss: binary/softbce
    - optimizer: adamw
    - callbacks: default_callbacks
    - scheduler: plateau
    - dataset: test_ci_segmentation_binary
    - augmentation: basic_augmentation_segmentation
    - tracker: # set logger here or use command line (e.g. `python tracker=mlflow`)
    - visualization: default_visualization
    - inference: default_binary
    - hydra: default
    - override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog # enable color logging to make it pretty
    - override hydra/job_logging: colorlog # enable color logging to make it pretty
    - _self_

All the files in the defaults section can be overwritten on the command line, go to Examples section too see how to do. The main goal of the structure is to organize all the parameters in meaningful and logical categories. If you want to add new options for a category, you’ll need to include # @package _global_ at the beginning of each yaml added. By doing so, the code in python will read model.parameters_name as a directory. If you accidentally omit the prefix # @package _global_, the python code will read model.unet.parameters_name (as set by default currently), so to be more versatile we want to read model.parameters_name. For example if you created new_model.yaml to be read as a model and you don’t want to change the main code to read this file each time you change model. For more information about packages in Hydra, see Hydra’s documentation on Packages.

For the tiling parameter, you can find more information in the Data Tiling containing the information to execute the this job. Same for the training and inference parameter, the information can be found at the Training and Inference section respectively. When training the inference part doesn’t need to be filled and vice versa.

The tracker is set to nothing by default, but will still log the information in the log folder. If you want to set a tracker you can change the value in the config file or add the tracker parameter at execution time via the command line python tracker=mlflow mode=train. We recommend to use mlflow, since the development team use it, but you can use whatever you want and create a yaml for it.

General Parameters

This section contains general parameters information that will be read by the code, normally contain parameters often changed or paths to important file. Other yaml files from the defaults section will read parameters from the general section.

task: segmentation
work_dir: ${hydra:runtime.cwd}  # where the code is executed
config_name: ${hydra:job.config_name}
config_override_dirname: ${hydra:job.override_dirname}
config_path: ${hydra:runtime.config_sources}
project_name: template_project
workspace: your_name
max_epochs: 2 # for train only
min_epochs: 1 # for train only
raw_data_dir: data
raw_data_csv: tests/tiling/tiling_segmentation_binary_ci.csv
tiling_data_dir: ${general.raw_data_dir}/patches # where the patches will be saved
save_weights_dir: saved_model/${general.project_name}


The task parameter have multiple options, see the Task section.

Mode Parameter

mode: {verify, tiling, train, inference, evaluate}
For GDL, the modes available are:
  • verify, verify the given data and generate an csv with infos and stats on those images.

  • tiling, generates tiles from each source aoi (image & ground truth).

  • train, will train the model specified with all the parameters in the configuration file.

  • inference, generate the inference for the given images.

  • evaluate, generate statistics on the given images, unlike the inference, this mode need the images to be link to a ground truth.


Each of those modes will be different for all the tasks, for further information on the well being of those modes, see the Mode section.

Debug Parameter

If True, this will print the complete yaml config at the beginning plus run a validation test on the dataloader before the training.


Here some examples on how to run GDL with Hydra.

Basic usage

Run the code with all the defaults value in the gdl_config_template.yaml .

(geo_deep_env) $ python mode=train

Overwritting only one parameter

Changing only one parameter in the configuration.

# Changing the number of max epochs for training
(geo_deep_env) $ python mode=train general.max_epochs=100
# Changing the dropout for the chosen model
(geo_deep_env) $ python mode=train model.dropout=True

Adding a new parameters

Adding a new parameters in the config without having to write it in the yaml.

(geo_deep_env) $ python mode=train +new.params=1.0

The configuration that will be save for this run will look like that:



print_config:  ...
mode:  ...
debug: ...
    params: 1.0

Using an other configuration file

How to using a new gdl_config.yaml file that has the same structure as the template yaml but have different values. The usecase for that is, for example, you have a certain configuration for your pipline that is different form your testing one, you dont want to change your parameters each time. So you create a new yaml for your pipline and when you are ready to run it, you only have to run it like that:

(geo_deep_env) $ python --config-name=/path/to/new/gdl_pipline_config.yaml mode=train

Other Hydra parameters to overwrite

See Hydra’s documentation on command line flags page for more informations.