
The dataset configuration defines the data (images, ground truth) and their parameters. The documentation on the parameters used is explained in the yaml section.

The tiling and inference steps requires a csv referencing input data. An example of input csv for massachusetts buildings dataset can be found in tests. Each row of this csv is considered, in geo-deep-learning terms, to be an AOI.

Example CSV

raster path

vector ground truth path

dataset split

aoi id (optional)










If left blank, the aoi id will be derived from the raster path and bands requested.

The path to a custom csv must be entered in the dataset configuration. See the yaml section for more information.

Dataset splits

Split in csv should be either “trn”, “tst” or “inference”. The tiling script outputs lists of patches for “trn”, “val” and “tst” and these lists are used as is during training. Its proportion is set by the tiling config.


An AOI is defined as an image (single imagery scene or mosaic), its content and metadata and the associated ground truth vector (optional).


AOI without ground truth vector can only be used for inference purposes.

The AOI’s implementation in the code is as follow:

Raster and vector file compatibility

Rasters to be used must be in a format compatible with rasterio and GDAL (ex.: GeoTiff). Same for the labels (aka annotations) for each image must be stored as polygons in a Geopandas compatible vector file.

Single-band vs multi-band imagery

Remote sensing is known to deal with raster files from a wide variety of formats and flavors. To provide as much flexibility as possible with variable input formats for raster data, geo-deep-learning supports:

  1. Multi-band raster files, used as is (all bands needed, all bands is in the expected order)

  2. Multi-band raster files with more bands or different order than needed (e.g. Actual is “BGRN”, needed is “BGR” OR Actual is “BGR”, needed is “RGB”)

  3. Single-band raster files, identified with a common string pattern (see details below)

  4. Single-band raster files, identified as assets in a stac item (see details below)

To support these variable inputs, geo-deep-learning expects the first column of an input csv to be in the following formats.

Multi-band raster files, used as is

This is the default and basic use.

raster path


Multi-band raster files with more bands or different order than needed

Same as above, but the expected order or subset of bands must be set in the “bands” parameter of dataset config. For example:

    bands: [3, 2, 1]

Here, if the original multi-band raster had “BGR” bands, geo-deep-learning will reorder these bands to “RGB” order. Also, band selection and reordering can be performed simultaneously. In this example, if the source raster contained “BGRN” bands, the “N” band would be removed and the resulting raster would still be as “RGB”.

The bands parameter is set in the dataset config.


It’s the user’s responsibility to know which bands correspond to each index. When dealing with multi-band source imagery, Geo-Deep-Learning doesn’t “know” which bands are present in the file and in which order. Good to know, Geo-Deep-Learning follows the GDAL convention, where bands are indexed from 1 (docs).

Single-band raster files, identified with a common string pattern

A single line in the csv can refer to multiple single-band rasters, by using a string pattern. The “band specific” string in the file name must be in a hydra-like interpolation format, with ${...} notation. Geo-deep-learning will locate a list of single-band rasters during execution using two informations: 1. the “bands” parameter of dataset config. 2. the input csv’s path, if it contains the ${dataset.bands} string.

For example:

  1. Bands in dataset configuration.:

        bands: [R, G, B]
  2. Input csv:

    raster path


During execution, this would result in using, in the same order as bands appear in dataset config, the following files:


Single-band raster files, identified as assets in a stac item

Only Stac Items referencing single-band assets are supported currently. See our Worldview-2 example. Also, the STAC spec is young and quickly evolving. There exists multiple formats for stac item. Only a very specific format of stac item is supported by geo-deep-learning. If using stac items with geo-deep-learning, make sure they follow the structure of our Worldview-2 example above.

Bands must be selected by common name in dataset config:

    bands: ["red", "green", "blue"]


Order matters, ["red", "green", "blue"] is not equal to ["blue", "green", "red"] !

Under the hood

For use cases Multi-band raster files with more bands or different order than needed to Single-band raster files, identified as assets in a stac item, geo-deep-learning creates a virtual raster to bring the variable source raster data to a common destination format without rewriting existing data to disk.

Dataset configuration yaml file

# @package _global_
  # dataset-wide
  raw_data_csv: tests/tiling/tiling_segmentation_multiclass_ci.csv
  raw_data_dir: ${general.raw_data_dir}
  download_data: False

  # imagery
  bands: [1,2,3]

  # ground truth
  attribute_field: properties/Quatreclasses
  attribute_values: [1,2,3,4]
  class_name: # will follow in the next version
  classes_dict: {'WAER':1, 'FORE':2, 'ROAI':3, 'BUIL':4}
  ignore_index: 255
  • name (str)

    Name of the dataset.

  • raw_data_csv (str)

    Path to csv referencing source data for tiling or training.

  • raw_data_dir (str)

    The directory where online data may be downloaded.

  • download_data (bool)

    If True, all source data as url will be downloaded to raw data directory. The local copy will be used afterwards.

  • bands (list)

    Bands to be selected during the tiling process. Order matters (ie ["red", "green", "blue"] is not equal to ["blue", "green", "red"]). See single or multi bands imagery section for more information on input data and band selection and ordering.

  • attribute_field (str)

    Name of the attribute from the ground truth data.

  • attribute_values (list)

    Filter only relevant classes from the ground truth data by listing the value associated to the class you desire. For example, if a ground truth GeoPackage contains polygons belonging to 4 classes of interests (forests, water bodies, roads, buildings), a user can filter out all non-building polygon by choosing an attribute field and value that separate building polygons from others. Though attribute values may not be continuous numbers starting at 1 (0 being background), Geo-deep-learning ensures all values during training are continuous and, therefore, match values from predictions.

  • class_name (str)

    Will follow soon.

  • classes_dict (dict)

    Dictionary containing the name of the class and the value associated to them.

  • class_weights (dict)

    Dictionary containing the class value and the percentage that must be include in the tiling dataset. The class_weights is used as a balancing strategy during training and is implemented at the loss level.

  • ignore_index (int)

    Specifies a target value that is ignored and does not contribute to the input gradient.